Synopsis: What do you do when your luck has run out? Lilly Derwent has to find that out, the hard way, after being sexually assaulted by a serial killer, and then, mere days later, being pushed out of a moving train. When your luck is gone, all you have is yourself. Is that enough for recovery?
Category: Fan Fiction
Fandom: White Collar Blue (2002-2003)
Series: None
Challenges: None
Rating: T
Orientation: Gen
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Mild Language, and Controversial Subject Matter (References to a prior sexual assault)
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The characters and events of White Collar Blue are © 2002-2003 Knapman-Wyld Television and Network Ten; Created and Produced by Steve Knapman and Kris Wyld; Episode 1.10 written by Kristen Dunphy and directed by Ian Watson. This work of fan fiction is a transformative work for entertainment purposes only, with no claims on, nor intent to infringe upon, the rights of the parties listed above. All additional characters and situations are the creation of, and remain the property of, Ardath Rekha. eBook design and cover art by LaraRebooted, incorporating a screenshot of Rhiana Griffith’s performance in White Collar Blue, the Beyond Infinity font from DaFont, and background graphics © 1998 Noel Mollon, adapted and licensed via Teri Williams Carnright from the now-retired Fantasyland Graphics site (c. 2003). This eBook may not be sold or advertised for sale. If you are a copyright holder of any of the referenced works, and believe that part or all of this eBook exceeds fair use practices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, please contact Ardath Rekha..
Rev. 2022.10.09