Getting into Orbit…

Hi everybody. I didn’t mean to get this quiet for this long. About two weeks after I relaunched my site, my post-COVID employment drought finally ended, and it’s taken me a while to settle back into the demands of working full-time to the point where I can start balancing online activities against it again.

True fact: Long COVID is real, and it sucks. Get your shots, people, because what doesn’t kill you is not as beneficial as that stupid song suggests.

Anyway, things are rolling, albeit still slowly. The big news is that I have begun posting revised chapters of The Slow Burn, one of my nine unfinished works, in my new Works In Progress section of the site. You may notice that the menus have changed a little to reflect this. (If you’re wondering why I have a “Menu Sidebar” link, that’s because while the sidebar is visible as a second column on most desktop/laptop displays and even some tablet displays that are wide enough, it drops to the bottom of the page on narrower tablet displays and phones. So if you’re looking for the rest of the navigation links, it’ll drop you down to them quickly.)

Work on the other sites is progressing, but extremely slowly, as is work on my original fiction. It’s beginning to pick up some steam now that I’m achieving a good work-life balance, but it does mean that most of the things I hoped we could launch before the end of this year are probably pushed back to sometime next year. Fingers crossed, though. Hopefully I can build up a good head of steam and not lose it to another round of the ’Rona.

So that’s all that’s new: Some new menus, a new “Works In Progress” section, and an actual work-in-progress in that section. All of the chapters have been heavily revamped since I first posted them more than 21 years ago — hey, they’re finally old enough to drink in America, so why not give them a makeover? — and hopefully they are much improved over the original versions. Chapter 5, in fact, is completely new. I definitely encourage feedback and criticism, so please leave me comments letting me know what works for you and what feels off. Once they feel solid and I’m back where I left off in ’01, they will begin to move into the archive and be available in downloadable form.


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Jen Martinez

I look up your name every few years now. I still remember looking at this site and thinking…. its still up she has to be around still?!

Im not sure you’ll remember me. My name is Jen and honestly, I have missed you. Sone of my pen names over the years: JenericTen, PerniciousOnyx, ZenDemon…. and a few more…

I hope you see this … and I hope you remember me. I still remember waiting in anticipation for you to post every day you latest installment when you took on that crazy endeavor to put out a new chapter daily of your Jack and Riddick fanfic.

Jen Martinez

Oh I have discord. I joined thre channel! 👍


Just like Jen I too went back and forth ever so often checking up on your site RGFC and AoVD. I’m so excited and happy that you’re doing well and the sites are slowly coming back. No worries if you don’t remember me❤️ I wasn’t a writer, but I always gave feedback!

Ardath Rekha